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Saturday, 29 April 2017

My Tools

Just like any other creative pursuit, whether it be painting, singing, dancing or making crafts, writing needs tools too. The obvious thing one needs to write is definitely a pen. But is that so anymore? As computers and laptops have pervaded into our work desks, the old journal and leaky fountain pen have been gathered up to be left in a corner collecting dust. 

I recently came across a post on one of the Facebook author groups where someone asked advice on using a dictation software. Before seeing that post, I had no idea that something like this already existed! So, that made me think. Writing has more tools than just a notepad and a pen.

These days, I do all my writing on my laptop. I might occasionally pen down some plot points in my journal but I type it out later in a Word file. I have folders dedicated to plots, research material, photographs and art etc. stored in my computer. Until now, I have used MS Word to write all my stuff. I am comfortable using it as I have learned most of its features over the years. The software also helps me to edit and polish my draft by highlighting spelling and possibly grammatical errors.

Recently, a writing software called Scrivener has become very popular for story writing. After looking at the screen shots that a fellow author sent me, I was impressed by how easily and efficiently I could manage a story using that software. So, did I start using it too? 

No. Simply, because it feels like too much work to start learning a new software when I have manuscripts that need to be finished! Scrivener has a 30 days trial period but even that was not enough to entice me to downloadit. I often wonder if it is just me who prefers to be in their comfort zone instead of just learning something new. 

I guess that we writers have developed our own personal tools that we prefer just like a painter prefers a certain brush or a musician a particular brand of instrument. There is no need for any embarrassment for whichever tool you choose to implement. If you want to dictate your notes to the computer because it is a fast way to get the writing done, by all means do that. And if writing with a pen on a notepad feels more comfortable, carry on! Use whatever you need but don't stop writing!

And before I forget, let's not forget that cup of brew (tea/coffee), the magic elixir which keeps us going!

© Ginny Clyde 2017

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Summer's Promise Book Cover reveal

The cover of Summer's Promise- Book IV of The Royal Teashop series is finally here! I thought I would share it here.